IMPORTANT PREVIEW TO LEGAL STUDY DISCLOSURE: Student fully understands and acknowledges that the (ten) PREVIEW Lessons provided were recorded in 2020 and that, although most of the material presented is very similar, some information presented as well as requirements and assignments will be modified to improve the quality of our program.  For example, our new Law 100 course now requires the following: Students will brequired to submit two (2) casbriefs, in thproper format exactly as discussed in-class, for each of the three (3) substantivlaw subjects–Contracts, Torts anCriminal Law (six [6] total). These briefs must bsubmitted through email as an attachment. All submissions will be evaluated to determinadequatcompetence. These lectures will help you to be better prepared for class. Of course, These high quality lectures can be streamed for viewing on your Desktop PC, Laptop, Tablet or handheld device.

Student also understands and agrees to the following:

  • Preview lectures, handouts and other materials are for “preview” purposes only
  • All Preview are strictly non-credit courses to better prepare students for the Spring 2024 Term. 
  • All sample lectures and preview handouts will be modified for the Spring 2024 Term.

If you understand and agree to these terms and conditions, please acknowledge by clicking Student Acknowledgement to enjoy our Preview to Legal Study material. 

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