If you do not have the required units or degree, the California Bar allows all students passing the CLEP exam to qualify for entrance into American Institute of Law. The College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP) provides students of any age with the opportunity to demonstrate college-level achievement through a program of exams in undergraduate college courses. For Part 2, you now have a variety of optional exam choices provided they are combination of at least 2 exams totaling 12 (points) from the CLEP® Recommendations list only. Foreign languages Level I or II are eligible. It is recommended that you schedule ALL of your required CLEP exams right away since availability is limited. Please create a an online CLEP account: Create CLEP Account.

Required Exams (Part One and 12 (points) from Part Two are Required)

Part 1 ENGLISH:   College Composition (MODULAR COURSE is unacceptable)
Part 2 GENERAL:  General CLEP Exam Topics (You must pass at least 2 of any of the following exams; they MUST be worth a combined total of 12 points.) Use the following links for details: (28 Choices)

                                 1. Foreign Languages Level One (3 Choices)
                                      A. French Language: Levels 1 or 2 – 6 Points
                                      B. German Language Level I or II – 6 Points    
                                      C. Spanish Language Level I or II – 6 Points                        
                                 2. History and Social Sciences (12 Choices)
                                      A. American Government – 3 Points
                                      B. Human Growth and Development – 3 Points
                                      C. Intro to Educational Psychology – 3 Points
                                      D. Introductory Sociology – 3 Points
                                      E. Principles of Macroeconomics – 3 Points

F. Principles of Microeconomics – 3 Points
                                      G. Social Sciences and History – 6 Points
                                      H. History I: – 3 Points                  
                                      I. History of the United States II: – 3 Points
                                      J. Western Civilization I: – 3 Points
                                      K. Western Civilization II: – 3 Points
                                      L. Introductory Psychology – 3 Points       
                                 3. Science & Mathematics (7 Choices)
                                      A. Biology – 6 Points
                                      B. Calculus – 4 Points
                                      C. Chemistry – 6 Points
                                      D. College Algebra – 3 Points          
                                      E. College Mathematics – 6 Points                                          
                                      F. Pre calculus – 3 Points
                                      G. Natural Sciences – 6 Points
                                  4. Business (5 Choices)
                                      A. Financial Accounting – 3 Points     
                                      B. Introductory Business Law  – 3 Points   
                                      C. Information Systems – 3 Points
                                      D. Principles of Management – 3 Points
                                      E. Principles of Marketing – 3 Points
                                  5. Composition & Literature (1 Chioce)              
                                      A. Humanities – 3 Points

To find the closest testing center, please GOTO CLEP Testing locations. Be sure to Register for CLEP Exams. Preparation Material (Suggestions; AIL is not responsible for the material you choose)